G and C Shanty Lyrics

Song by: Matt & Joanna Pace

E, I, and Y make the G say “j”,

The G say “j’, the G say “j”

E, I, and Y make the G say “j”

Most of the time

Gerald had a giant hut, a raging voice, and a mangy mutt

E, I, and Y make the G say “j”

Most of the time

E, I, and Y make the C say “s”,

The C say “s’, the C say “s” '

E, I, and Y make the C say “s”

Most of the time

Cecilia had a celery farm, a cymbal, and a cybernetic arm

E, I, and Y make the C say “s”

Most of the time

E, I, and Y make the G say “j”,

The G say “j’, the G say “j”

E, I, and Y make the G say “j”

Most of the time

Angela had a gymnast cat and a magic gem on a huge orange hat

E, I, and Y make the G say “j”

Most of the time

E, I, and Y make the C say “s”,

The C say “s’, the C say “s”

E, I, and Y make the C say “s”

Most of the time

Little Bryce went cycling twice, while Cyclops got her exercise

E, I, and Y make the C say “s”

Most of the time

Ginny had a genius head, she forged a bridge out of gingerbread.

E, I, and Y make the G say “j”

Most of the time

Alice drank an icy juice, and roamed the city with a dancing goose.

E, I, and Y make the C say “s”

Most of the time

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