The Colors Song Lyrics

Song by: Matt & Joanna Pace


Black, white, brown, and gray

All around on a cloudy day, but

The clouds part suddenly

And then you start to see

Red, orange, yellow, green,

Blue, violet and in-between

Red, orange, yellow, green,

Blue, violet and in-between

RED roses, red berries, red race cars,

Chili peppers, cherries R

ed parrots, red fire ants, red lobsters,

Tomatoes, and underpants

I am ORANGE, like the fruit

Candle flame, pumpkin juice

Tiger fur, zinnias



Like Daffodils on the hills,

Or dandelions on the street, yea

Fluffy ducklings, fresh bananas

A canary or a parakeet

I’m GREEN like the trees,

The grass, the stems, the leaves,

Parrot feathers, frogs

Crunchy lettuce, kale, beans, peas

I’m BLUE - like the ocean or the sky,

Blue, like the Blue Morpho butterfly,

Blue, like this guy’s eye

Look up high, as the Mountain Bluebirds fly by

I’m VIOLET, like a cabbage with purple leaves

Some people say I’m the color of royalty

Purple onions, sunset, eggplants, and beets

Lilacs, lavender, purple pansies

Red, orange, yellow, green,

Blue, violet and in-between

Red, orange, yellow, green,

Blue, violet and in-between

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